Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sermon Notes for January 21st

January 21, 2007
“Filled With the Power of the Holy Spirit”
Luke 4:14-21

This is going to be a particpatory sermon. Later on in the message I am going to ask you to share some joy, some "good news" that happened this past week in your life (or this last month - whenever). For myself, I have a funny story. Yesterday I went into the Harmony Co-op to buy some bread. I noticed a man who was looking a cookbook. It was one I own - by Susan Hauser. So, thinking to be helpful, I went up to him and told him how much I liked the cookbook and showed him one of the recipes which is my favorite - about how to make Wild Rice Pilaf. The man was a little surprised, I guess, so I went on to buy the bread. As I left, he was still looking at the book. Later, back in the office, I recieved an email which was a list of things that indicate "if you are from Minnesota." Such as if you own jumper cables and your girlfriend knows how to use them. Well, one of them said, "You know you are in Minnesota if someone comes up to you in the supermarket and offers to help you and they don't work there!" So, I guess that was me...

1. Now, it is widely believed from the way they are written that Luke and Mathew were familiar with the Gospel of Mark when they wrote their Gospels. The story we read today in Luke about Jesus returning to Nazareth and quoting the prophet Isaiah is different from that in Mark in that Mark does not mention Nazareth specifically but only says: “he came to his own country where he began to teach in the synagogue.” Mathew also does not mention Nazareth or Isaiah specifically. And in John’s Gospel the story is not mentioned at all. But Luke makes it a special point on both matters.

Was Luke familiar with different accounts of the same event than Mark or Mathew? We don’t know. Did Luke choose to elaborate on Mark’s earlier account to make a point -- most likely? And Luke’s point is that the prophecies of the Old Testament – specifically Isaiah – had now come to pass. And that in Jesus … anointed by the Holy Spirit of God … would be the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation … which meant “good news” for the poor, “sight” to the blind, “release” to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed.”

2. Now, because Luke’s account is much longer than Mark and Mathew’s account, today we only get the first part of the story … the “good news” … and next week we get (In Paul Harvey’s famous words) “the rest of the story. Which is not so good, because Jesus message didn't go over so well and the people took offense and tried to throw him out of the synagogue.

But, for today, we are concerned with the “good news” – the message of Jesus proclaimed throughout Galilee in the small villages and countryside. And so will begin the story we all know about how Jesus, born in Bethlehem, baptized by John in the Jordan, tempted by the Devil after fasting in the wilderness, would begin his ministry of healing and teaching and proclaiming the word of God – the good news of salvation which will, ultimately, lead him to Jerusalem and his crucifixion, his resurrection, ascension, and to the establishment of the church which would evangelize or proclaim his message to the whole world.

The story of Jesus life is not just a story – it is THE STORY. Or, as someone once called it, THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD. For, as far as we can understand it, the journey of Jesus from Bethlehem to Jerusalem – is more than a series of events … but the salvation story of the whole human race.

3. This is the third Sunday after the Epiphany, according to the traditional church calendar. Not that anyone today is particularly paying attention.
And, we seldom use the word epiphany nowadays. It is derived from [Middle English epiphanie, from Late Latin epiphania, and originally from Greek epiphaneia, manifestation, from epiphainesthai, to appear

Therefore, an Epiphany is a sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something. A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: "I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself"
The Greek sense of the word, an epiphany can also mean the appearance of a god or deity or of the Divine.
As a result, we are to understand that although the word Epiphany does not occur in the Bible … it is a word that describes miraculous Jesus appearance in the world …

4. Now it just happens that the Bible has a another word for Epiphany and that word is Revelation …

As it says in Isaiah (Chapter 40) A voice of one calling:"In the desert prepare the way for the LORD-- make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.
5 And the glory of the LORD will be revealed,
and all mankind together will see it.
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."
Or in the words of Paul in Romans:

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 17For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,[c] just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith.”

5. Now to reveal something means to disclose it. It means that something which has been hidden, or missing, or lost, or not fully understood is now coming out in the open where it will be clear to everyone who chooses to see it.

And what was it that had remained hidden from sight? What was it that people did not understand? What was it that was coming into being in the person and words of Jesus?
What would you say it was? What is that Jesus meant to the people in his day? What is it that He means to the world today?

What is it? Why this big deal about Jesus?
Who is being revealed? Is it Jesus? Not really, for everyone could see him.
No, the revelation is about God and God’s purpose for our lives and the world. it is God has His will for us that is revealed in Jesus Christ. Jesus, in short is an epiphany and a disclosure about who God really is.

Well, that is pretty huge, don’t you think?

6. Now it wasn’t that there weren’t plenty of religions around in Jesus’ day in addition to Judaism itself. For, in fact, in the Roman Empire there were all manner of religions and religious practices in addition to the cult of the Roman Emperor – who was defied as a god himself.

But none of them would be around for long in the face of the one and most timely revelation of Jesus Christ.

I don’t know if you watched CNN over the holidays but they had a two hour special called AFTER JESUS … which traces the development of the early Christian movement, the writing of the Gospels right up to the time that Emperor Constantine relented and accepted the church as legitimate in 325 AD. It’s a good account. If you would like to borrow it, I have a copy on VHS.

But even all the sophisticated scholars in the program cannot account for the rapid growth of the Christianity in the face of so much opposition from its inception.

7. But, at one point it becomes clear that the message of Jesus conveyed to the world through the apostles Peter, Paul, and all the others … is this … here is a plan … and explanation … for everything that happens in your life … which says that God is concerned about you, me, and everyone else … and will forgive our sins … and who lived and walked among us … ever suffering death … to reveal to us his everlasting love. And that this message is of equal value, meaning, and importance to every person regardless of wealth, social status, or anything else. Lastly, despite the difficulties, disappointments, illnesses, calamities, and troubles of this life … God’s Kingdom will reign forever and even death will not be the end.

That’s pretty Good News …as we say in Minnesota. Not too bad!

But that was then … and this is now … as they say. So, what does that Good News mean today… in our lives … in the lives of our friends … family … in our Church.

8. Wouldn’t be interesting if we could all share our thoughts about this subject this morning wouldn’t it? And maybe not everyone would have good news on this particular Sunday.

Maybe there are deep troubles for some among us today … for whom the Good News has to be really Good … and has to go deep down just to drive away the pain and suffering.

And yet others might have stories to share about how their faith is working in their lives.

Sometimes I think the old idea of giving testimony is all such a bad idea if it is done in the right way … of course. Trouble is, it often got overused and abused, and at least for now we have gotten away from it.

But, this morning, in a little bit, I would like to have us take a moment and share some piece of good news with the person next to us … it doesn’t have to be a big knock down revelation … it might be something simple as getting over a cold … or having a friend call us on the phone.

So, be thinking about something to share … about how God seems to be at work in your life …

9. In the meantime, I will share with you some quite good news … and yet something very down to earth …

SHARE JIM ALLEN’S STORY ABOUT CAROL, HIS DAUGHTER. She was very ill after surgery to remove her apendicitis. In fact, the doctor thought it might have to do another surgery. But, at the very last minute, she suddenly recovered.

Well, you can imagine how relieved they were … and I too, was relieved as well. My prayers were answered to … miraculously, it seems.

We’ve all heard of stories like that. Maybe we have even been the one who was sick. And we also know that sometimes things aren’t so fortunate. But, when we go through something difficult, like this, we do appreciate how God can be at work in our life, calming our fears, and reassuring us that no matter what happens there still is hope. And we are reminded once again of how precious life is … and what a gift it is … from our Creator.

10. So, let us just take a few moments and share something with someone next to you which happened this week … or this past month … or even this past year … and if you don’t really have anything to share or can’t think of something maybe you can just listen … for that, too, is a gift we can give.


11. Sharing the Good news … how often do we do that? How did it feel? That is what the early church did when they met on Sunday.
And we all do it, too, in small ways and large among ourselves – for this is part of the life of the church.

So, this week, let’s all be thinking about something that is happening in our daily life, in our work, in our family, in the news (not the news is real good), in whatever we are doing … that reveals the goodness of God … and reminds us that we are cared about … and that gives us hope … just as I have shared with you my (and Jims) good news story this past week.

And be reminded that God is everywhere at work in our lives … if we just take the time to pay attention.

And let’s also remember to practice hospitality towards others … remembering to say a good word … to those we meet … and to listen to those who need to be heard …
Remembering that the revelation of Jesus Christ completes the circle and connects us to God in small ways and large. And I challenge you to be intentional about it (and I know that many of you do it anyway). For the epiphany of Our Lord is out there waiting to happen -- a revelation, disclosure of the Divine Love of God in our lives and the lives of others we meet.

Let us pray …


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